Creating Purchase Orders by using WareGo

1. Navigating to the Purchase Order Screen

● Navigate to Main Sidebar Menu > Inbound > Purchase Order.

Purchase Orders

● On the Purchase Order screen, click “Add new” to create a new purchase order.

2. Entering Basic Purchase Order Details

● The system will automatically generate a PO number and select the default company Now Fill in the following fields:

New Purchase Order

● PO Type: Select from the dropdown menu.
● Date: The current date will be set by default.
● Supplier: Select the supplier from the dropdown menu.
● Supplier Site: Select the supplier site from the dropdown menu.
● Bill To: Choose the billing address from the dropdown menu.
● Ship To: Select the shipping address from the dropdown menu.
● Country: Choose the country from the dropdown menu.

If necessary, enter any Remarks in the provided field.

3. Saving the Draft

Save Order

● Click on Save as Draft & Add Items to save the purchase order as a draft.

● A notification will confirm that the purchase order has been successfully created as a draft.

4. Adding Items to the Purchase Order

● On the New Purchase Order screen: Item Code/Description: Enter the item code or description.

New Purchase Order

● The system will automatically populate the Unit of Measure and Category fields.
Enter the Quantity for each item.

● If you need to make further changes, click Save as Draft to save them

5. Sending the Purchase Order for Approval

Save Order

● On the New Purchase Order screen:

● Once sent for approval, no further changes can be made to the purchase order.

● The status of the purchase order will be updated to Created.

6. Approving the Purchase Order

Successfully Created Order

● Navigate to the Actions Page.

● Check the checkbox next to the purchase order you want to approve.

Approval of order

● Click on Select Status and choose Approved.

● Click Update Status.

Successfully done

● A notification will confirm that the purchase order has been successfully approved.

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